• Phone: +971 6 7672151 | Email: info@pychem-cc.com



Mixtile LM is specially formulated latex based tile adhesive suitable for fixing ceramic tiles and natural stones in interior, exterior and submerged conditions. It is a two-component system consists of powder and liquid.


  • Water tanks
  • Bridge decks
  • Swimming pools
  • Over bridges
  • Subway and underground parking areas

Packing & Storage

Mixtile LM is available as follows:

Powder: 20kg and liquid: 5kg (25 kg kit)

For site installations or mass consumptions, deliveries shall be made in bulk customdesigned containers. Mixtile LM should be stored in cool, dry and shaded warehouses. Shelf life is 12 months when stored under cover, out of direct sunlight, protected from extreme temperatures and as per recommendations. In extreme tropical climate, the product must be stored in cooled ambience. Excessive humidity and over exposure to UV will result in the reduction of shelf life.