• Phone: +971 6 7672151 | Email: info@pychem-cc.com



Mixgrout MG is a fine powder to be mixed with water to obtain a smooth creamy paste for grouting of tiles. It constitutes a water resistant non-shrink finish up to 4mm wide, easily applied creamy paste for clean grouting of tiles, sets to be a decorative water resistant finish.


  • Mixgrout MG is easily applied by hand and will give a water and weather resistant joint with no shrinkage.
  • It is suitable for filling joints in interior and exterior wall and floor tiles, marbles or granites.
  • Strong bonding properties of Mxgrout MG remains in place permanently without wear.

Packing & Storage

Mixgrout MG is available in 10kg bags. Grout can be stored up to 12 months in an direct sunlight and rain.